

An ISO-9001-2015 Certified Computer Education Organization


Pachra, Paschim Midnapore


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Computer Lab

Admission going on for Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma courses. Hurry! Call 6294570048 for details.

We are also offering Online Training.


Bharatiya Yuva Computer Saksharata Mission is an autonomous institution run by MBYCPK Society, Society Register Under Act XXVI
of 1961, Regd No. S/2L/29106. Govt. Of West Bengal, & Resisted under Govt. of India Trust Act,

Bharatiya Yuva Computer Saksharata Mission is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Computer Education Organization by Global Accreditation
Board & International Council of Accreditation Bodies . ISO Certificate No . 10840-AQMS-0940.8

The Institute has also filled application (Word mark BYCSM Application No. 2896431 Class 41) for Name & Logo registration under
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Controller General of Patents Designs and Trade Marks,
Govt. of India.


Bhartiya Yuva Computer Saksharata Mission (BYCSM) was established in the year
2012 with the aim to impart quality education to the young minds. Technological
progress in the last few decades has helped to purge national barriers and
create a global marketplace. Our objective is to develop confidence, self-
motivation, research and problem solving skill sets and imbibe value education
among our students. We give top priority to discipline and knowledge and the
application of the same for societal progress and upliftment.

Our Institute aims at becoming a front runner in developing the next generation
teaching and learning methods and to foster individual excellence and
participation of our students in the full range of academic, spiritual, cultural,
social and physical activities, and make them socially sensible all rounder’s.

Mr. Loknath Chakraborty


I have always stood in reverence to any or from of education. Education is the
manifestation of love and my most cherished possession. Education drives away
ignorance and through illumination it emboldens a man a righteous thought and
action. It empowers a woman and enlarges the horizon of her mind. It energizes
a trust and enables a man to earn his living with respect and praise. Hence my
love for it. BYCSM therefore is fruit of my labor and love.

BYCSM carrying the torch of learning further ahead with added strength, course
ware, and qualitative dissemination of knowledge, virtue and morality, into a
state of perfect maturation may it become a brilliant morning star in the
firmament of higher education, research and an unending contribution to man and
his trust. I whole heartedly thank the parents who i their faith have been
patronizing the initiatives in my institute.

Paritosh Chakraborty
Chairman, BYCSM, INDIA

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